For the sixth year now Shenandoah Mountain Guides has been involved with the National Park Services Eastern High Angle Technical Rescue course (now BTR-E). At first we were students but for the past few years we have helped teach as part of the instructor cadre. This year Andy, Jeremy, and I(Chad) had the honor of being involved as lead instructors of our teams. Although this year was the largest student class to date, as usual, it was a safe and highly successful year!
One of our training venues the High Point state monument, as seen from the outside above, and inside below.
The kind of rangers you want coming to the rescue! Blue team, complete with a Turkey feather (below).
Below are a few pics from the Spring Smorgasbord, starting with a Sunfish.
Canada goose eggs on the riverside. What a nice warm nest they make.
Wild Ginger blooming in a tree. The small purple flower grows right on the dirt and can be seen if you zoom in.