From the moment we arrived Sunday the 19th till the moment we departed Friday the 24th the days were packed with training, planning, teaching and evaluating. Breakfast usually began at 6:30 am and many days did not draw to a close until the finish of planning meetings or night operations post midnight! The above picture was taken during a night evolution on top of Grandfather Mtn where one of the stations was a rappel off the swinging bridge by headlamp. The wind gust were in the fifties, and this student can be seen to have spun several times in the few seconds it took to reach the ground.
Several nights there was a short window of free time after dinner and before evening meetings. While during the day it was purely training at beautiful climbing areas like the above pictured Table Rock, in the backs of minds there was plotting. Several instructors and students could not ignore the fact that if one was to just skip dinner the free time window could be expanded just long enough for some incredible rock climbs to fall beneath our feet!
In the end, we were all proud to see the extremely competent group of rescuers head back to their home parks. Lives will be saved, and we look forward to the rescue stories brought back next year.