Moving Mountains
July 22 - 28, 2006
Nine girls from Frederick, county schools (Md) met each other for a week of extraordinary firsts! The trip started with an introduction to rock-climbing, rappelling, and swimming in the mountain stream. The first campfire and night out were followed by a day of canoeing, swimming and watching Great Blue Herons and Eagles! The next five days were spent bonding in and with the wilderness, learning backcountry ethics, and front country life lessons. The group refreshed themselves in Shenandoah National Park's brook waterslides and holes as they backpacked up three of its highest peaks! Many animals crossed paths with the girls including, a beautiful two-tone rattlesnake, deer, squirrels, chipmunks, turkey, and four black bear! A once in a lifetime view occurred on the summit of Old Rag mountain as the girls watched a yearling bear walk down and across a very exposed section of rock before climbing over a boulder and disappearing in the brush. Amazing!